Wednesday, August 28, 2024

The Tale of Two Knights

Two brothers,
Each one a Knight,
Sent to the battlefield to fight for their King.

Their foes overwhelming numbers,
compelled to mislead, subvert, and blight.
They approached in the spring
for those who were faultless and clean.

The King’s royal drummers
keeping beat with the fight,
as swords striking armor ring
and artists survey the scene.
The knights swore to protect and defend.

But the brothers, once united in course,
now differ in their views of what is right.
One became more loyal, helpful, and strong.
The other grew increasingly aggressive and mean.
The latter constantly looking for a way to abscond.

The first battling enemies while atop his horse,
striking each adversary and rival in sight.
The other brother hiding
inside a bottle, yearning to remain unseen.

The first was fighting for the honors
of those still young and bright.
The other long past caring.

Yet the battle went on until the King’s victors
emerged. The brother’s spirit– gone in the night.

His bottle could not save him from death’s consuming plight.

--Grey Paladin

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